Our partners in Europe region are eager to help you with finding new business contacts.
Johannes Axnix
email: johannes.axnix(@)finncham.at
tel: +43 1 997 119022
Finnish-British Chamber of Commerce
Sara Lehtonen
email: sara@fbcc.co.uk
tel: +44 (0)7 741 906455
Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce
Egbert Schram
Finnish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce
(Soome-Eesti Kaubanduskoda FECC)
Timo Nieminen
email: info(@)fecc.ee
tel. +372 56255668
Finnish-French Chamber of Commerce
(Chambre de Commerce Franco-Finlandaise)
Liisa Ketomäki
email: presidente(@)ccff.fi
tel: +358 40 740 6200
Finnish-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
Giorgos Livanios
email: giorgos(@)fhcc.gr
tel: +30 6944 731 509
Hungarian-Finnish Chamber of Commerce
Risto Junttila
email: risto.junttila(@)finchamber.hu
tel: +36 30 934 2686
Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
Valerija Varna
email: fccl@fccl.lv
tel: +371 29339233
Finnish Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce
Rubina Haapamäki
email: rubina.haapamaki(@)flcc.lt
Finland Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg
Renja Broman
email: contact(@)finchamlux.com
tel: +352 621 210 753
FinnCham München
Finnish Trade Guild - National section of Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce
Tuomas Asunmaa
email: tuomas(@)spondeo.fi
tel: +48 514 615 048
Portugese-Finnish Chamber of Commerce; Câmara de Comércio Luso-Finlandesa
Jorge Fontainhas
email: cclf(@)cclf.pt
Spanish-Finnish Chamber of Commerce
Kristoffer Mannes
email: kristoffer.mannes(@)nordicforward.com
tel: +34 913 269 081
Finnish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce; Handelskammer Finnland-Schweiz
Yrjö Närhinen
email: yrjo.narhinen(@)handelskammer-fin.ch
Finnish Business Association Ukraine
Jukka Laikari
email: jukka.laikari(@)gmail.com
tel: +358 40 5245274