Expand Your Business to the DACH Region – Why Austria is the Ideal Gateway 10.4.2025
to Apr 11

Expand Your Business to the DACH Region – Why Austria is the Ideal Gateway 10.4.2025

Time: 10.4. klo 8.30 - 11.00
Venue: Chamber of Commerce Event and Training Center, Helsinki, Kalevankatu 12, 00100 Helsinki

The event is free of charge, but needs registration. Read more about the event and register HERE

Are you considering expanding your business to the DACH region—Germany (D), Austria (A), and Switzerland (CH)—which offers access to over 100 million potential customers in German-speaking markets? 

Austria offers an excellent starting point, combining strong innovation in ICT, Tech & Mobility, Green Tech, and Life Sciences with a business-friendly environment and attractive public funding opportunities. Its central location and well-established cross-border trade networks make market entry smooth and efficient.

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U.S. expansion incentives and support by the Council of American States in Europe
9:30 AM09:30

U.S. expansion incentives and support by the Council of American States in Europe

Meet the States of Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin

The Council of American States in Europe (C.A.S.E.) will visit Helsinki on September 17th, 2024 with a delegation composed of representatives working for the states of Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin's Economic Development Organizations.

In partnership with Amcham Finland, Business Finland, Finland Chamber of Commerce, and the U.S. Commercial Service, we'd like to welcome Helsinki area cross-sectoral business leaders to a business breakfast.

The event represents an opportunity for Finnish companies interested in further growing their U.S. operations, to learn how each State offers a unique ecosystem, specific free-of-charge soft landing services, and multiple economic incentives.

C.A.S.E. is a non-profit organization founded in 1971 in Brussels to promote the U.S.A. as a destination for foreign investment. The association has an active membership of 19 U.S. states with full-time European offices. C.A.S.E. Members - 19 U.S. States can be found here.


09:30 am - Welcome & registration

10:00 am - Greetings by Ms. Cindy Kent (Commercial Advisor, U.S. Embassy Helsinki, U.S. Department of Commerce; Mr. Mike Klyszeiko (Director of Launchpad USA, Amcham Finland), Finland Chamber of Commerce, and Business Finland

- Presentation by C.A.S.E., introducing the States of Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin

11:00 am - Networking

11:45 am - Individual meetings with State representatives

12:30 - Conclusion

We look forward to your attendance! Warm regards & Paljon kiitoksia

Contact details for further information:

Luigi Mercuri, Vice President, C.A.S.E

luigi.mercuri@edpnc.com - +39 345 607 5031

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Navigating Irish markets and finding success
10:30 AM10:30

Navigating Irish markets and finding success

4th June 2024 at 10.30 – 12.00 o’clock (Finnish time)

Microsoft Teams

The event is free of charge but needs registration at latest on 2nd June 2024 HERE.
Teams link will be sent on 3rd June 2024 to the registered participants.

Welcome to our webinar, where we delve into the vibrant and dynamic landscape of Irish markets. Ireland, renowned for its rich culture and warm hospitality, also offers a promising environment for businesses seeking growth and expansion.

Join us as we uncover the nuances of the Irish markets, exploring key industries, investment prospects, regulatory frameworks, and cultural considerations. Whether you're a seasoned investor, an entrepreneur looking to establish a presence, or simply curious about the potential Ireland holds, this webinar is your guide to navigating the intricacies of one of Europe's most dynamic economies.

The webinar is organised by the Enterprise Europe Network, the Finland Chamber of Commerce, the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, and the Irish Business Club in Finland in collaboration with the Embassy of Ireland to Finland, the Embassy of Finland to Ireland, and Business Finland. 


10.30 – 10.40                    
Opening words of the Webinar
Ms. Päivi Pohjanheimo, Director, International Affairs and Trade, Finland Chamber of Commerce

10.40 – 10.50                    
Ireland: economy and business & investment environment
H.E. Ms. Ruth Parkin, Ambassador of Ireland to Finland

10.50 – 11.00                    
Team Finland support for Finnish companies
H.E. Ms. Leena Gardemeister, Ambassador of Finland to Ireland  

11.00 – 11.10                    
Market opportunities in Ireland
Ms. Janna Mure, Senior Advisor, Business Finland (Market opportunities and services)

11.10 – 11.20
Company Case: Iivari Mononen Oy, Mr. Ari Mononen, Chairman
11.20 – 11.50                    

11.50 – 12.00                    

Closing words of the Webinar                                  

Ms. Tarja Uitti, Chair, Irish Business Club, Finland


Picture: Pixabay

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Information session on  EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement
3:00 PM15:00

Information session on EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

Picture: Mikko Murto at Pixabay

Date and time: Thursday 30 May 2024 at 15:00
Venue: Finland Chamber of Commerce, Alvar Aallon katu 5C, 00100 Helsinki or Microsoft Teams

The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union and New Zealand entered into force 1 May 2024! We are delighted to to invite you to hear about this milestone in trade relations between the EU and New Zealand.

What benefits does this agreement brings to Finnish companies? How to save costs? What opportunities does the New Zealand markets offer in general? Come to hear answers to these questions and more from our high-level speakers on 30 May at the Finland Chamber of Commerce. The event will be held in a hybrid format.

We will be given several presentations from high-level speakers on the concrete benefits of the new FTA, on how it eases customs regulation and what possibilities in general New Zealand provides to Finnish companies. We will also hear from the Ambassador of New Zealand to Sweden and Finland. Moreover, we will get to know the people who know the New Zealand market best from the point of view of Finnish trade, the Honorary Consuls of Finland in New Zealand.


You may register using the registration link below. Please register by 29 May. 
Coffee and tea will be provided to those who attend at the Finland Chamber of Commerce.


15:00 Welcoming remarks, Finland Chamber of Commerce

15:05 EU-NZ-FTA – benefits for companies, Mr Ilkka Saarinen (Director, MFA Finland)

15:20 Finland’s market opportunities from New Zealand perspective, H.E. Mr David Taylor (Ambassador of New Zealand, Stockholm)

15:35 New Zealand Market opportunities for Finnish companies,  Mr Riku Mäkelä (Senior Director, Business Finland)

15:50 Customs requirements for obtaining preferential treatment, Mr Ville Pikkarainen (Customs Finland)

16:05 Presentation of Finland's honorary consuls in New Zealand
Ms Christine Linton (Auckland)
Mr Michael Scannell (Wellington)

16:20 Networking

16:45 End of event

For more information, please contact Mirjam Ligi, mirjam.ligi(a)chamber.fi

Picture used above from Pixabay.

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EU:n tulliuudistus etenee ja ATA carnet sähköistyy – tietoisku huolitsijoille ja yrityksille
9:00 AM09:00

EU:n tulliuudistus etenee ja ATA carnet sähköistyy – tietoisku huolitsijoille ja yrityksille

17.5.2024 klo 9.00–10.30
Microsoft Teams
Tilaisuus on maksuton, mutta vaatii ilmoittautumisen 15.5.2024 mennessä TÄSTÄ.

 EU-komissio julkaisi keväällä 2023 EU:n tulliuudistusehdotuksen, jonka tavoitteena olisi nopeuttaa ja tehostaa tullien toimintaa. Toimijoilla olisi uudistuksen jälkeen käytössä yksinkertaisempia tullimenettelyjä, ja tulli-ilmoittaminen olisi joustavampaa. Uudistusehdotus on suurin ja kunnianhimoisin sitten tulliunionin perustamisen jälkeen, ja se toteutetaan vaiheittain vuoteen 2038 mennessä.
ATA carnet on kansainvälinen tulliasiakirja, jonka avulla tavaroita voidaan viedä sopimukseen liittyneisiin maihin tulli- ja verovapaasti korkeintaan yhden vuoden ajaksi. ATA carnet’eella voidaan viedä kaupallisia tavaranäytteitä, ammatinhar­joittamis­välineitä ja näyttelytavaroita.

Tervetuloa kuulemaan tulliuudistuksen etenemisestä ja ATA Carnet -tulliasiakirjan hyödyistä ja tulevaisuudesta. Webinaarin järjestävät Keskuskauppakamari ja Suomen Huolinta- ja Logistiikkaliitto ry.


Mirjam Ligi, koordinaattori, Keskuskauppakamari

EU:n tulliuudistus
Marjo Saastamoinen, Ylitarkastaja, Tulli

Alkuperätodistus ja Keskuskauppakamarin oppaat
Hannele Visuri, Asiantuntija, Kansainvälinen kauppa, Keskuskauppakamari

ATA carnet-tullausasiakirja väliaikaiseen vientiin
Anne Hatanpää, yhteyspäällikkö, Keskuskauppakamari
Mirjam Ligi, koordinaattori, Keskuskauppakamari

ATA carnet sähköistyy
Max Moiseev, tietohallintojohtaja, Helsingin seudun kauppakamari

Q & A
Tilaisuuden päätös
Anne Hatanpää, yhteyspäällikkö, Keskuskauppakamari





Kuva: Pixabay

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USA Go To Market Essentials Webinar
5:00 PM17:00

USA Go To Market Essentials Webinar

16th May 2024 at 17:00 Finnish time

Microsoft Teams

The event is free of charge but needs registration at latest on 14th April 2024. Registration link here. Teams link will be sent to those registered on 15th May 2024.

Learn the “Do’s and Don'ts” of doing business in the USA. This webinar is brought to you by FinnCham and the Finnish American Chamber of Commerce of the Southeast. We’ll have four distinguished experts with over two decades of experience in their respective fields to present the essentials of going to market in the US. Topics covered include understanding the logistics and hiring best practices, as well as taxes and accounting. Don’t miss this free opportunity to get practical tips and advice on how to enter the US market!

The event is co-organized by the Finnish American Chamber of Commerce Southeast and the Finland Chamber of Commerce.


Opening words of the webinar
Mr. Ville Vuorensola, Finland Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Heidi Williams, Finnish American Chamber of Commerce of the Southeast

Entering the US market
Ms. Heidi Williams, Transatlantic Consultants

Logistics in the USA – challenges and opportunities
Ms. Heli Lötjönen, Smart Advice Oy

Recruitment – how to succeed
Ms. Sanna Hardin, Favor Professional Recruitment Partners

How to navigate the US tax jungle
Ann-Christine Westerlund, Westmusa Inc.


Closing words of the webinar
Mr. Ville Vuorensola, Finland Chamber of Commerce


Photo by Ferdinand Stöhr on Unsplash

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to May 16

Invitation to join Team Finland at the EU-Nepal Business Forum 2024

The EU-Nepal Business Forum for 2024 will take place from 15-16 May 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Forum aims to promote new partnerships and increase European private sector investments in Nepal. The event will showcase EU’s strategy in the areas of energy, technology, agriculture, tourism, forest-based products, and entrepreneurship.

Finnpartnership, in collaboration with the Embassy of Finland in Kathmandu, wish to invite Finnish companies and organisations to participate in the Forum. The event itself is free of charge, but the number of participants is limited. Finnpartnership will also offer Finnish participants with a free Team Finland exhibition stand, to showcase their company’s activities and services. The Forum will offer Finnish companies the opportunity to meet and establish business partnerships with local business and government, as well as other European companies already operating in Nepal.

In addition, a side-programme for Finnish companies and organisations along with relevant local and international stakeholders will be organised prior to the Forum. More information to follow closer to date.

Finnpartnership offers grant funding to Finnish companies for business projects in Nepal (75% of total project costs for SMEs). Finnish companies can apply for the financial grant for this trip if they are planning to build a long-term business partnership in Nepal.

In case you’re interested to join the event with us, please reach out to us for more information:

Nikke Karjalainen: nikke.karjalainen@finnpartnership.fi

Julian Blom: julian.blom@finnpartnership.fi

Trang Nguyen Trang.Nguyen@finnpartnership.fi

Event’s website: EU Nepal Business Forum 2024 – Celebrating 50 years of diplomatic relations : Growing Stronger Together

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4:30 PM16:30

Hydrogen Economy 2.0 – experiences, perspectives from the perspective of Northern Europe and Germany

  • c/o Osborne Clarke, Innere Kanalstr. 15, Köln Köln Germany (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Date: 17 April 2024

Time: 16:30 - 22:00 (CET)

Venue: Hybrid-Event: c/o Osborne Clarke, Innere Kanalstr. 15, Köln and virtual event via Teams

Login: Once registered, you will receive the Teams login details a few days before the webinar. Register here.


16:30 Come together

17:00 The virtual meeting room opens, Welcome & Moderation

Daniel Kochs, Kochs & Partner mbB Steuerberater/Finish-German Trade Guild NRW

17:10 An update on the hydrogen market in the Far North of Europe. What are the current developments, investment priorities and what funding are available to become a leader in the European market.

Hannele Halmetoja is a senior advisor in the field of renewable energies for Business Finland and an expert on the battery and hydrogen market. She is in close contact with the Head of Hydrogen and Batteries Program from Finland and regularly speaks about this market segment in the Northern European network

Business Finland is the government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion.

17:30 Everfuel®: Green Hydrogen from Denmark – The HySynergy Project of Everfuel

Jens Conrad is the long-time business development manager for Germany and is also an absolute expert on the Northern European hydrogen market. With his extensive ex-perience in the field of renewable energies, we look forward to an update from Everfuel, as well as a presentation about the new 20 MW electrolyzer plant for green hydrogen in Denmark.

Everfuel is a Northern European pioneer in the production and marketing of green hy-drogen for zero-emission mobility, industry and the energy sector. They own green hy-drogen production plants, H2 trailers for distribution and H2 filling stations. The Danish parent company Everfuel A/S is listed on the Euronext stock exchange in Oslo.

18:00 SFC Energy Worldleader in mobile and off-grid energy solutions

SFC Energy AG is a leading provider of hydrogen and direct methanol fuel cells for stationary and mobile hybrid power solutions. With the Clean Energy and Clean Power Management business segments, SFC Energy is a sustainably profitable fuel cell pro-ducer. The Company distributes its award-winning products worldwide and has sold more than 65,000 fuel cells to date. SFC Energy AG is listed on the Deutsche Boerse Prime Standard and has been part of the selection index SDAX since 2022.

Mr. Stephan Laistner is Business Development Manager Hydrogen at SFC and, in ad-dition to introducing the company, he will also introduce us to his experiences in the Finnish market. He studied industrial engineering at the Technical University of Munich and, due to his long experience, is an expert in off-grid power solutions and is looking forward to great partnerships with Finnish companies.

18:45 Opportunities of methane splitting in hydrogen transition

Hycamite produces clean hydrogen and industrial-quality solid carbon by splitting me-thane using proprietary zero-emission technology. It is based on the thermo-catalytic decomposition (TCD) of methane molecules. In other words, Hycamite breaks the me-thane with catalysts and heat. Hycamite’s novel methane-splitting technology requires only 13% of the energy needed to produce hydrogen by electrolysis. As a cutting-edge carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technology, Hycamite’s solution enables the rapid decarbonization of the industry and the creation of carbon sinks, providing cli-ents with industrial-quality carbon fit for demanding applications, such as Li-ion batteries, composite materials and filter purifiers.

Matti Malkamäki, a hydrogen business specialist and cleantech entrepreneur of over 20 years, is dedicated to decarbonizing the industry through his role as Founder and Chair-man of Hycamite TCD Technologies Ltd. Committed to sustainability, Matti has played a key role in adopting clean energy technologies and holds positions in influential groups such as ECH2A and the BotH2nia initiative. He served for three years as a steering group member of the Finnish Hydrogen Cluster. He is a sought-after speaker on hydro-gen opportunities and has written numerous articles on the topic. With extensive expe-rience in power generation and cleantech, Matti drives the transition to a low-carbon, high-energy-efficient economy through Hycamite's revolutionary methane-splitting technology.

18:45 Networking & Fingerfood

22:00 End of event

Some of the Presentations marked might be held in English.

Your Host: Board of the NRW

Esko Ilmonen, Head of Sales, Crush + Size Technology

Dr. Timo Karsten, Partner, Osborne Clarke, Vors. der FDHG

Yrjö Kemppi, Pekka Stuckert Consulting, Unternehmensberatung

Daniel Kochs, Kochs & Partner mbB Steuerberater

Olli Oksanen, Senior Advisor, Oktimi Advisors

Pekka Stuckert, Pekka Stuckert Consulting, Unternehmensberatung

Thim Werner, Managing Director, bdg Consulting GmbH

In cooperation with Business Finland

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Save the date: Finnish-Estonian Business Forum - AI-gniting new business opportunities
1:00 PM13:00

Save the date: Finnish-Estonian Business Forum - AI-gniting new business opportunities

Date: April 10th, 2024
Time: 13:00 – 19:00
Venues: Swissótel Tallinn, Tornimäe 3 Tallinn 10145 and Embassy of Finland in Estonia, Kohtu 4 Tallinn 10130

Join us for a collaborative event organized by the Finnish – Estonian Chamber of Commerce, FECC, the Embassy of Finland in Estonia, and Enterprise Estonia.

Our primary aim is to foster stronger ties between Estonian and Finnish companies and organizations. The forum seeks to inspire new collaborations, exchange best practices, and pave the way for new cross-border partnerships.

This year’s business forum focuses on two major themes:

  • Artificial intelligence and opportunities it creates between two neighbouring countries.

  • Film and entertainment industry where cooperation is done, but more business opportunities await discovery.

Speakers: Tiit Riisalo, Minister of Economic Affairs and Information Technology, Vesa Vasara, Ambassador of the Republic of Finland; Linnar Viik, Founder and investor of pop culture museum PoCo; Lasse Saarinen, CEO of Finnish Film Foundation; Jussi Sainiemi, Partner at Voima Ventures; Lauri Antalainen, Chairman of EstBan and Founder of Digiwise; Sten-Kristian Saluveer, Strategic Advisor at Cannes Next and Sami Aalto, Vice President, Entertaining Services Business of Elisa.
Moderated by Kadri Vanem from Miltton New Nordics.

After the business forum, all participants are welcome to a networking reception at the Embassy of Finland in Tallinn, and the evening continues at the official “FECC After Party” in the medieval old town of Tallinn.

Save the date, invitation with registration link is coming soon!

For more information contact:

Timo Nieminen
Executive Manager of Finnish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce
Info@fecc.ee or +372 5625 5668

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12:00 PM12:00

Finnish Sustainability Brunch in Hong Kong

Join Finncham Hong Kong on 23rd of March at 12:00 for an enlightening afternoon at Finds restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui, where sustainability takes center stage.

Embrace the Nordic ambiance of Finds, known for its exquisite Nordic cuisine, as you indulge in a distinctly “Finnish” brunch while gaining insight from leading Nordic companies and experts. Immerse yourself in the stories of success as we feature two distinguished speakers, each offering a best practices type of insight into their company’s commitment to environmental initiatives. We also will hear from Finds’ chef introducing the day’s menu and shedding light on sustainable practices employed in the Finnish and Nordic cuisine and widely used in the Finds kitchen.

General Manager Nikitha Manoharan from Wärtsila will share Finnish pioneer’s work in emission reduction and marine life preservation, and Joshua Sharman, the Chief Commercial Director of ISS Hong Kong delves into ISS’s environmental focus areas and goals in facilities management operations.

This event is organized by the FinnCham Sustainability Committee, and tickets are available for both members and non-members through Finncham.

Read more about the speakers and buy tickets below:

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TIME for CRIME – Nordic Chamber Event in Zürich
5:00 PM17:00

TIME for CRIME – Nordic Chamber Event in Zürich

We are delighted to present the next Nordic Chamber Event 2024

TIME for CRIME with

Anne Holt – Alex Dahl – Tom Egeland – Thomas Enger 

Crime scene: Kunsthaus Zürich, Heimplatz 1, Zürich

10 March 2024 at 17:00 to 21:00
a thrilling celebration of mystery, suspense, and intrigue set against the magnificent backdrop of Kunsthaus Zürich. Prepare to embark on a journey into the enigmatic world of crime fiction.

Norgesklubben Sveits, in collaboration with NORLA – Norwegian Literature Abroad and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bern, are honored and grateful to present four selected authors to
our Swiss, Nordic, Norwegian and international audience.

The program will be officially opened by the Norwegian ambassador in Switzerland, Kjersti Rødsmoen.

Lectures and book reviews, discussions and panel debates, all in English, will be moderated by: Øystein Wiik, author and Beate Normann, president, Norgesklubben Sveits.

The evening ends with an apéro dinéatoire; Eat like a Norwegian!

We look forward to welcoming you to an unforgettable night of crime fiction!



The Authors

Tom Egeland (b. 1959 in Oslo) has published 28 books, including 21 novels that have been translated into 24 languages. He has a background as a journalist but has also published books since 1988.  He has received several literary awards, including the Riverton Prize, Riksmålsprisen and ARK’s children’s book prize for the young adult novel „The Secret of the Catacomb“. Egeland has been a book reviewer for VG (2011-2018), board member of the Norwegian Authors‘ Association (2010-2018), president of the crime literature organisation Rivertonklubben (2015-2019) and jury leader for the Norwegian National Language Award Gullpennen from 2018. He has written; 666, The Gospel of Lucifer, The 13th Disciple, The Secret of the Catacomb, The guardians of the Covenant and Relic.

Thomas Enger (b.1973) wrote for Norway’s flagship newspapers for eight years before switching careers to that of writer. Besides penning the lauded and internationally bestselling crime series Henning Juul and, in a joint enterprise with fellow Norwegian Jørn Lier Horst, the runaway success Blix and Ramm series, he has also distinguished himself as one of the most exciting Scandinavian voices in Young Adult fiction. Alongside writing fiction, Enger works as a music composer. With his new page-turner standalone, the spine-chilling and darkly entertaining thriller The Book of the Gallows, Enger adds another feather in the cap of his cutting-edge authorship. „Burned“ is the first book in the Henning Juul crime series, followed by Pierced, Scared, Inborn Cursed and Killed. He has co-written with Jørn Lier Horst; Death deserved, Smoke Screen, Unhinged and Stigma.

Alex Dahl (b. 1982) is a half-Norwegian, half-American author. She grew up in Oslo and is a native speaker of both Norwegian and English. She studied Russian, German, and international studies in Oslo and Moscow before earning a creative writing degree from Bath Spa University. She is the author of five psychological thrillers so far: The Boy at the Door – which was shortlisted for the CWA Debut Dagger. Disney+ has commissioned a thrilling new five-part drama based on Playdate. The Heart Keeper, Cabin Fever and finally; After She’d Gone, published in August 2022, is her latest, highly anticipated, novel.

Anne Holt (b. 1958) is one of Scandinavia’s most successful crime writers with 12 million copies sold around the world. Holt is a former Minister of Justice, Police Attorney, lawyer (with her own firm), journalist, and TV news editor and anchor. Her novels are intelligent, accessible, and suspenseful, with engaging and intriguing protagonists. Tight-knit crime plots are paired with a focus on relational drama. Anne Holt is the author of three very successful crime series: the Inger Johanne Vik, the Hanne Wilhelmsen, Sara Zuckermann and the Selma Falck series. Best sellers ; Blind Goddess, 1222, Death of the demon, In dust and Ashes, Dead joker, Lion’s mouth and Odd numbers.
 Wiik (b. 1956) is a diverse artist who has won acclaim as a singer, actor, and writer.

In 2010, Wiik made his debut as a crime writer and was nominated for the Riverton Prize. He has written 10 novels to date, 7 of which feature cultural journalist Tom Hartmann, often described as Norway’s answer to James Bond. His books have been published in Denmark, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. He made his stage debut as Jesus at the National Theatre in Bergen. His international breakthrough came with several roles in Norway and abroad. In addition to his acting skills, Wiik has made a significant contribution as a librettist, having written 18 musicals.

Come and join us for a star-studded evening with four of Norway’s best crime authors.


Best regards
Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland

in collaboration with
Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Danish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Norwegian Club Switzerland

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Miten hallitus näkee Kaakkois-Aasian maiden ja erityisesti Thaimaan roolin suomalaisyritysten ulkomaankaupan lisäämisessä ja kehittämisessä 7.3.2024
11:00 AM11:00

Miten hallitus näkee Kaakkois-Aasian maiden ja erityisesti Thaimaan roolin suomalaisyritysten ulkomaankaupan lisäämisessä ja kehittämisessä 7.3.2024

UKKMI Ville Tavio lounasvieraana: Miten hallitus näkee Kaakkois-Aasian maiden ja erityisesti Thaimaan roolin suomalaisyritysten ulkomaankaupan lisäämisessä ja kehittämisessä?

Paikkoja tilaisuuteen on rajoitetusti. Tilaisuus on ensisijaisesti tarkoitettu yhdistyksen yritysjäsenille. Lounastilaisuus on ilmainen kauppayhdistyksen jäsenille.

Osallistuminen on mahdollista etukäteisilmoituksella myös muille yritysedustajille. Osallistumismaksu muille kuin kauppayhdistyksen nykyisille jäsenille on 30 euroa. Voit myös liittyä Suomi-Kaakkois-Aasia kauppayhdistyksen jäseneksi ennen tilaisuutta, jolloin tilaisuus on maksuton.

Lue lisää kauppayhdistyksen jäsenyydestä

Liity kauppayhdistyksen jäseneksi

Välitämme ilmoittautuneille yksityiskohtaisempia tietoja tapahtumasta myöhemmin.

Mitä: UKKMI Ville Tavio lounasvieraana: Miten hallitus näkee Kaakkois-Aasian maiden ja erityisesti Thaimaan roolin suomalaisyritysten ulkomaankaupan lisäämisessä ja kehittämisessä?

Aika: torstai 7.3.2023, klo 11:00-12:45

Paikka: Ilmoitetaan tapahtumaan ilmoittautuneille

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AICC International Business Community Gala Night
6:30 PM18:30

AICC International Business Community Gala Night

The Finnish Swiss Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with AICC have the pleasure of inviting you to a Gala Night on Friday 1 March 2024 at Bâtiment des Forces Motrices in Geneva.

We are pleased to repeat the success of last year and host the gala night again, making it an annual event. The evening promises a three-course dinner, entertainment and high-level networking.

This will be a spectacular evening with members and friends from 20+ international chambers of commerce and CCIG – Chambre de commerce, d’industrie et des services de Genève. We are expecting more than 200 people to attend.



18.30 Welcome and Networking Apéritif

20.00 Seated Dinner including Entertainment

23.00 Music and Networking Dessert Buffet

Dress code

Black Tie (optional)

RSVP by 23 Feb 2023

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Business Lunch: How to present your strengths effectively - The Pitch
12:00 PM12:00

Business Lunch: How to present your strengths effectively - The Pitch

You are warmly welcome to join us for a friendly CCFF business lunch on Thursday, February 29th, starting at 12:00.

Anne Liljestrand, founder of Coaching for Success, will give us the keys to present our strenghts effectively, through the pitch.

We will then have a networking time around a nice buffet lunch.

This event takes place at the restaurant The Cock, Fabianinkatu 17, Helsinki

The price is 18.50€ per person.

The number of places is limited, so don't forget to register in advance! 

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How do you navigate turbulent waters and maintain resilience even when the context is in turmoil?
9:00 AM09:00

How do you navigate turbulent waters and maintain resilience even when the context is in turmoil?

22nd November 2023 at 9 o’clock POSTPONED
Microsoft Teams
The event is free of charge but needs registration at latest on 20th November 2023 HERE. 

In today's ever evolving and unpredictable world, the ability to thrive in complex and volatile environments is essential. Resilience isn't just a buzzword – it's a way of life for successful organizations. 

Join us for a webinar that will discuss the fundamental impact of strategy work and the paramount role of operations in enhancing and maintaining resilience when operating in highly volatile and demanding contexts.  The webinar will present the “Three Layers” approach to resilience and answer critical questions such as: 
Why do resilience and strategy work have a specific role in complex environments?
What are the key elements for developing an effective strategy that meets the needs of a volatile context?

What are the practical implications of resilient operations and what are the main challenges of working in turbulent terrains?

How do the operational activities support the Three Layers approach and improve the resilience of the company at a corporate level? 

During the webinar, participants will gain insights into the paramount functions of strategy and operations when working in unpredictable and intricate environments. Participants will receive practical examples of how to improve and sustain resilience even in the face of uncertainties with a Three Layers -approach to resilience. 

09.00 – 09.05
Opening remarks
Anne Hatanpää, Africa Business Network
09.05 – 09.20
Strategy work in volatile contexts and “Three Layers” approach
Why do resilience and strategic work have a specific meaning and value when operating in complex and volatile contexts?
What are the most important elements to pay attention to when developing a strategy?
How to create a “Three Layers” approach to enhance and maintain resilience?
Pia Horttanainen, Croxford, Managing Director, Co-Founder and Senior Expert, Myelin LLC
09.20 – 09.35
Operational resilience
What are the most significant factors that have an impact when operating in challenging and complex environments?
What are the key elements contributing to resilient operations?
How do operations contribute to the “Three Layers” approach and improve organizational resilience?
Matthew Croxford, Chief Operations Officer, Co-Founder, Myelin LLC
09.35 – 09.45
Presentation by Finnpartnership
09.45 – 09.55
09.55 – 10.00
Closing remarks


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Trading in the US markets
5:00 PM17:00

Trading in the US markets

16th November 2023 at 17 – 18.30 o’clock Finnish time
Microsoft Teams

The event is free of charge but needs registration at latest on 14th November 2023 HERE.


Opening of the event
Ms. Anne Hatanpää and Mr. Ville Vuorensola, Finland Chamber of Commerce

Introduction of Southeast Region
Mr. Jarno Kamarainen, Atlanta, Georgia

Introduction of U.S. Capitol Region
Mr. Tom A. Lippo, Washington, DC

Introduction of Greater Houston Area
Mr. Vesa Koivumaa, Texas, Greater Houston area

Introduction of North Texas
Mr. Vesa Jäämuru, North Texas
Q & A
in English and Finnish

End of the event

The companies have a possibility to agree on an appointment with the FinnCham representatives through the registration link and they will be contacted with a proposed date and time afterwards.  

The Finnish American Chamber of Commerce of the Southeast, Inc. (FACCSE) was organized in 1981. Our mission is to promote and foster trade, professional interests, and commercial relations between Finland and the Southeastern United States. Our headquarters is in Atlanta, GA. 
Our current membership includes companies in the industrial sector (e.g., pulp & paper, chemical, manufacturing) and in software and wireless services, to mention a few. We also have a strong educational and legal footprint on our current board. The Southeastern US is a great place to do business due to relatively low taxes, lack of bureaucracy, and affordable cost of living. Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson Airport is the world's busiest airport, with multiple flights a day to and from all over Europe. Major interstate highways go through the city, providing convenient road access to all over the East Coast.

Finnish American Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC
The Finnish American Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC is a unique mix of members who are active in business and related organizations (the World Bank and similar institutions) combined with service professionals (lawyers, lobbyists, accountants, and consultants) who have extensive experience in Finland-USA transactions, both public and private. 
The Washington Chamber’s focus is primarily on commerce, to avoid overlap with groups who otherwise serve the local Finnish-American community’s social and cultural needs (the Embassy of Finland, the Finlandia Foundation, and others).  Chamber events are often coordinated with the Embassy, such as luncheon programs about trade-related topics timed with industry and government delegation visits from Finland.  

Finnish American Chamber of Commerce Great Houston
Finnish American Chamber of Commerce Greater Houston, The FACC Greater Houston is an organization dedicated to promoting commercial relations between Houston and Finland. The Chamber’s main role is to provide a forum for members to network and exchange business ideas and experiences through social, cultural, and educational activities. The FACC Greater Houston also aspires to reach out to other European Chambers of Commerce within Houston and across the US.
The City of Houston, the fourth most populous U.S. city after NY, LA and Chicago. 1.7 M Houstonians or roughly 1 in 4 were born outside the U.S. Metro Houston has the 3rd largest number of Fortune 500 companies in nation. If Houston were a country, it would rank as 25th largest economy in the world, exceeding Thailand, and Ireland. Houston is home to more than 9,100 tech-related firms including more than 1,000 venture backed startups.  The largest industries in Houston, TX are Health Care, Construction and Retail Trade and the highest paying industries are Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting, & Mining , and Management of Companies & Enterprises.

Finnish American Business Guild (FABG), North Texas was founded in 2002 by companies part of Nokia’s cell phone ecosystem. FABG has been part of FINNCHAM network since 2018. Our mission is to leverage our local contact network with market knowledge to support companies from Finland looking to expand their businesses to North Texas while establishing an active support network of Finnish businesses already operating in the region.

Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington (DFW metroplex aka North Texas) with population of 7.7 million is the fourth largest metropolitan area in US and the fastest growing region in US with 8% job growth rate. If North Texas were a country, it would be the 23rd largest economy in the world (larger than Poland, smaller than Sweden). North Texas, 6th largest economy in US, is known as most diverse economy in Texas with all major industries present. The largest industries are manufacturing (aerospace, semiconductors, communications equipment, motor vehicle), logistics, high tech, financial and real estate services. DFW airport is the fourth (third) busiest airport in the world for passenger (operations) traffic. From DFW airport you get max 4-hour flight access to either US coast. DFW also operates a gateway to Mexican and Latin American markets with multiple Free Trade Zones.




Picture: Pixabay

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Puola vaalien jälkeen – liiketoiminnan uudet tuulet
9:00 AM09:00

Puola vaalien jälkeen – liiketoiminnan uudet tuulet

Aika: 16.11.2023 klo 9.00-10.00

Paikka: Microsoft Teams

Rekisteröinti:                    Tilaisuus on maksuton, mutta osallistuminen vaatii rekisteröinnin 14.11.2023 mennessä TÄSTÄ. Teams-linkki lähetetään 15.11.2023 ilmoittautuneille.  

Kasvava ja vaurastuva Puola on vahvistanut asemaansa yhtenä Euroopan suurvaltiona. Jo yli 500 suomalaista yritystä toimii Puolan markkinoille. Tule kuuntelemaan tuoreet terveiset markkinasta ja keskustelemaan sen mahdollisuuksista.

Puhujana on Puolassa pitkään asunut, go-to-market- ja rekrytointipalveluja tarjoavan Spondeon perustajayrittäjä Tuomas Asunmaa, joka tuo myös terveiset Puolan suomalaisesta kauppakillasta.

Markkinoilla toimiva Pagero Oy kertoo kokemuksistaan ja näkymistään tulevina vuosina.


Tilaisuuden järjestävät Suomi-Keski- ja Itä-Euroopan maiden kauppayhdistys, Helsingin seudun kauppakamari, Enterprise Europe Network ja Finnish Trade Guild – National Section of Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (FinnCham).

Kuva: Pixabay


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Emerging Market Talent as a Solution for Finland’s Capacity Shortages
3:00 PM15:00

Emerging Market Talent as a Solution for Finland’s Capacity Shortages

Time: 15th November 2023 at 15 – 17
Where: Microsoft Teams

Registration: The event is free of charge but needs registration at latest on 13th November 2023 HERE

On November 15, 2023, as a part of the International Week hosted by the Finnish Chambers of Commerce, a mini workshop exploring the potential of emerging market talent in helping Finnish companies secure a competent workforce to support their growth aspirations will be organized by Fuzu, the Africa Business Network of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Europe Network, and the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce. This event will review the topic from following angles:

Remote or migration-based talent - what are the challenges and benefits with both models?

● Cultural alignment between talent and the hiring organization - how to ensure smooth onboarding and engagement with your existing team?

● Partner selection - how to ensure your talent partner can deliver value as promised? The speakers at the event.

1) businesses that have extensive experience from working with international talent,

2) organizations that provide support to international talent seeking for opportunities in Finland and

3) service providers who connect emerging market talent with Finnish employers.

The goal is to offer event participants a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in engaging with international talent, while also providing them with the necessary tools and mindsets to effectively tap into the global talent pools.

Webinar program

Detailed program can be found HERE

15.00 – 15.15                    
Opening remarks

15.15 – 16.00                    
Panel Discussion – perspectives on remote and migration-based work

16.05 – 16:50
Panel discussion – how to successfully onboard international talent?

Closing remarks 



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Webinar: Have you already considered doing business in Switzerland?
2:00 PM14:00

Webinar: Have you already considered doing business in Switzerland?

When? 14th November 2023, 14-15h (Finnish time)
Where? Online (webinar)

Registration? at latest on 12th November HERE.

Switzerland may perhaps not be the first market that comes into the mind of a Finnish exporter. It is however worthwhile to have a look at it. Being an open economy, characterised by a high degree of flexibility and a clear focus on sustainability, innovation and high quality, the Swiss market may offer very interesting potential for Finnish products and services.

Is it then all so simple to approach Swiss potential partners? Before starting the prospection, a number of things need to be taken into account though, especially because Switzerland is not a member of the European Union. These issues will be discussed during a webinar.

Join this webinar organised by the Finland Chamber of Commerce together with Prodigo, a Swiss business development company on 14th November 2023 from 14 to 15:00 pm. Right after the event, you also have the possibility to have a face-to-face meeting (20 min. per meeting) with representatives from Prodigo.

 Here are a few themes that will be covered :   
1. The current business dynamics in Switzerland
2. Opportunities for Finnish companies
3. Tips and tricks on how to approach Swiss prospects  

About the speaker

Michel Patteet has built up a professional career with over 25 years of experience in international trade promotion. Before creating his own business development company Prodigo (www.prodigo.ch), Michel was active as Trade Commissioner for Belgium in Switzerland during seven years, whereby he acquired an in-depth knowledge of the Swiss market and created a vast network of economic actors in many sectors. Meanwhile, Prodigo has already helped customers from 15 countries to set foot in Switzerland, including from Finland.

In previous functions, Michel worked for a United Nations’ trade promotion initiative in Geneva and was Liaison Officer for World Bank procurement in Brussels. He has accompanied and advised a large number of exporters, organised numerous economic missions around the world and realized several market studies.

This event is coorganzed by the Finland Chamber of Commerce, the Finland-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Europe Network, and the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce.

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ATA carnet -tulliasiakirja väliaikaiseen vientiin sähköistyy - lyhyt tietoisku asiakirjan käytöstä ja tulevasta kehityksestä
1:00 PM13:00

ATA carnet -tulliasiakirja väliaikaiseen vientiin sähköistyy - lyhyt tietoisku asiakirjan käytöstä ja tulevasta kehityksestä

Aika:              14.11.2023 klo 13.00–13.30 (peruutettu)
Paikka:          Microsoft Teams
Rekisteröinti: Tilaisuus on maksuton, mutta vaatii rekisteröinnin viimeistään 12.11.2023 TÄSTÄ.


ATA carnet nopea, kustannuksia säästävä tulliasiakirja väliaikaiseen vientiin
Anne Hatanpää, Yhteyspäällikkö, Keskuskauppakamari

ATA carnet sähköistyy – mitä odotettavissa?
Max Moisseev, Johtaja, Helsingin seudun kauppakamari

Käytännön vinkkejä hakijalle ja käyttäjälle
Reetta Heinonkoski, Toimistopäällikkö, Tampereen kauppakamari

Lisätietoja ATA carnet’eesta: atacarnet.fi


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Save the date: Nordic Excellence in Digital Health - CCFS's Golden Jubilee event on 9th November  in Zürich
2:00 PM14:00

Save the date: Nordic Excellence in Digital Health - CCFS's Golden Jubilee event on 9th November in Zürich

Time: Thursday 9. Nov 14-18:00
Place: Glockenhof, Sihlstrasse 33, Zurich

The event is tailored for Swiss-based Nordic and Nordic-minded healthcare, insurance, governance, MedTech, and pharma professionals keen on digital health.

The Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland and Nordic Healthcare Group have the pleasure of inviting you to the 50th-anniversary event focusing on the digitalization journeys and innovations in healthcare in the Nordics and Switzerland.

The event combines insights and case studies of transformaton journeys from healthcare, MedTech, and pharma. As a Keynote, we will hear an inspiring trajectory that opens up the more than 15-year digital journey of one of the largest healthcare service providers in the Nordics. The event challenges the speakers and audience to reflect on accelerating the adaptation of digital innovations. After the compelling contributions from the speakers, there is time for aperols and socializing. The evening will end with the anniversary dinner starting at 19:00.

Sign up for the event and stay tuned for the detailed program.

Let's celebrate 50 years of Nordic growth, innovation, and collaboration together!

Nordic Healthcare Group is an advisory, insights and research company. We maximize the outcomes of health and social care, and life sciences globally to improve the lives of everyone. Rooted in our human-centric Nordic values, we deliver sustainable solutions through research, data analysis, design, digitalization, and implementation. Since 2004, our 250+ professionals have worked with public and private clients on 4000+ projects. See their website here.

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Golden Jubilee  Event in Southern Switzerland: Luxury & Business
9:40 AM09:40

Golden Jubilee Event in Southern Switzerland: Luxury & Business

When? Friday 29 September 2023 from 09:40 to approx. 20:20 hours (CEST)
Where? LUGANO and MENDRISIO (Sottoceneri region, Canton of TICINO)

This year, the Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland CCFS celebrates its 50th anniversary with a series of "Golden Jubilee" events. On the occasion of this anniversary, we have the great pleasure to invite you to Lugano and Mendrisio in Southern Switzerland on 29 September 2023 to meet, enjoy and share with us the taste of Luxury & Style and explore its potential benefit for Business life. 

We will learn how Finnish gold find its way into Swiss watches, enjoy artisanal authenticity of local slow food, meet representatives of the City of Lugano and the Cantonal chambers of commerce and industry, visit Lugano's cultural centre LAC, and experience wine tasting.

We will travel together as a group from Zurich by train (departure 07:05, returning to Zürich HB at 22:55) - or, you may also travel individually to Mendrisio in Ticino, and meet our group upon arrival at the railway stop of Mendrisio San Martino (or Mendrisio FFS station).  

Please find attached the preliminary programme with all essential details. Please note: the number of places for this superb event is limited - first come, first served. Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received. 

A detailed invitation with the definitive programme will follow shortly. However, a pre-registration form is already open for you.

Due to organisational reasons, all payment details will be sent separately (for both credit cards and invoicing).

For further information or questions, please contact Franco Romano from the organising team of this event at franco.romano( a) handelskammer-fin.ch. 

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8:30 AM08:30


Date: Friday 29 September, 2023 at 8:30-12:00
Venue: Team Finland House, Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki

Business Finland, together with Finland Chamber of Commerce and Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA), is organizing the 10th Finland–Taiwan Business Forum on Friday, September 29, 2023, from 8:30 to 12:00 at Team Finland House.

Leader of the CIECA delegation is Dr. Cheng-Hong, Cho, Chairman, Taiwan-Finland Economic Cooperation Committee, CIECA / President, Institute for Information Industry (III). The Taiwanese business delegation comprises key players in the fields of ICT (5G/6G) and healthcare. Their primary objective is to gain insights into Finland's latest developments in these domains and explore potential opportunities for business, research, and academic collaborations with Finnish stakeholders. List of Taiwanese delegates will be updated to the registration page.

Regarding ICT, prominent telecom operators, high-tech firms, and research institutes from Taiwan are keenly interested in Finland's progress in 5G, B5G, and 6G technologies. In the realm of healthcare, both public and private hospitals, health-tech companies, and research institutions are eager to understand Finland's expertise in smart hospitals, digitalization, remote healthcare, and the best practices in decarbonizing hospital operations.

The delegation's visit offers Finnish companies a valuable chance to establish connections, exchange knowledge, and pursue collaborations in business and research with Taiwan.


08:30 – 09:00 registration and coffee
09:00 – 09:30 opening ceremony – opening remarks from Finnish and Taiwanese side
09:30 – 10:20 Session I: ICT – keynote speeches and company presentations
10:20 – 11:20 Session II: Smart Healthcare – keynote speeches and company presentations
11:20 – 12:00 networking lunch

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Finnish – French Business Forum 26th of September
8:15 AM08:15

Finnish – French Business Forum 26th of September

The European Union, and more largely the 191 states who signed the Paris agreement in 2015, have the objective to reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. This ambitious goal requires stakeholders in the construction and the energy industries to innovate and search for new solutions to transition toward a greener future. The FFBF 2023 by the Finnish French Chamber of Commerce will be an opportunity for French and Finnish companies to reflect on their current actions and exchange on how to create further business opportunities while achieving this objective.

We will cover the following topics:

- Current situation of both countries in relation to the objectives
- New technologies in these areas
- Ecology and sustainability
- Human and financial resources required and how to deal with them
- Government incentives in both countries
- Sustainable Leadership

For more information, check out the program of the event and register here before the 25th of September.

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  The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – What should Finnish companies expect as suppliers of German companies?
9:00 AM09:00

The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – What should Finnish companies expect as suppliers of German companies?

21st September 2023 at 9 – 10.30 (Finnish time)  

Microsoft online  

Please register at latest on 19th September 2023 here.
The Teams link will be sent you on 20th September 2023. 

The event will start with a country overview given by the German-Finnish Chamber of Commerce.

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act came in Germany into effect on 1 January 2023. The Act sets out human rights and environmental due diligence obligations that companies must observe in their own operations and throughout their supply chains. Violations of the Act are punishable by fines of up to 2% of the annual global turnover of the company and its group. Companies found to have violated the Act may also be excluded from public tenders.  

The Act will be relevant to Finnish companies if they are a direct or indirect supplier to a German company that is subject to the Act. As part of the German company’s supply chain, the German company will have to take certain measures in order ensure its own compliance with the Act. Finnish companies will be caught directly by the Act, if they maintain a subsidiary or branch office in Germany with more than 3,000 (or, as of 1 January 2024, 1,000) employees in Germany.  

The webinar will show which approach German companies will take towards their Finnish suppliers in the context of the new German legislation and how to react on such requests of the German customers. This will also prepare for the result of the still ongoing legislative process at the EU level with respect to the expected Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which shall in similar form protect human rights and the environment in global supply chains.  

Read more about the speakers Daniel Stein, Partner, Osborne Clarke & Dr. Timo Karsten, Partner, Osborne Clarke and the theme here.

Picture: Osborne Clarke

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FIBENELUX Summit 2023
9:00 AM09:00

FIBENELUX Summit 2023

Date: Wednesday 7th June, 2023
Place: Scandic Hotel Grand Central, Helsinki, Finland
Time: 9:00 - 17:00 EET

How small countries can make a big impact?

Are you interested in international business and collaboration opportunities between Finland and the BeNeLux countries?

This one-day conference brings together key organisations, businesses, and entrepreneurs representing four countries to provide interesting market and specific sector insights to businesses that are looking for international growth opportunities.

The program and networking opportunities build a climate of innovation enforcing relevant connections between the markets and across industries.

The keynote speakers provide market insights, and the interactive panel discussions strengthen the exchange of sector insights - all from the business perspective, as of the latest research and future opportunities. 

Panel discussions are led by sector experts in each field:

Cleantech & Sustainability: Heli Antila, VP Biobased Solutions, Fortum Oyj
Smart City & Mobility: Sami Sahala. Lead Smart Mobility Expert, Forum Virium Helsinki
Healthtech: Harriet Gullstén, Msc PhD, Head of Viikki Innovations
Culture Insights: Egbert Schram, Global CEO, Hofstede Insights

Find out more about the event & the speakers.

The event is organised by Finland Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg in collaboration with Finnish-Dutch Chamber of Commerce, Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, the Belgian Embassy in Finland, the Embassy of the Netherlands in Finland, and Flanders Trade.

Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is organising an official Trade Mission around this event. Any organisation interested in joining the mission can contact the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce directly.

For all queries related to the event, please contact Finland Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg contact(a)finchamlux.com

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Nordic Chambers' Event 2023: NORDIC SPORT SPIRIT AND TRADE
2:00 PM14:00

Nordic Chambers' Event 2023: NORDIC SPORT SPIRIT AND TRADE

  • The Olympique Museum, 1 quai d’Ouchy, 1006 Lausanne (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

When? Friday, 2 June 2023 from 14.00 to 18.00 (CET)
Where? The Olympique Museum, 1 quai d’Ouchy, 1006 Lausanne

Picture: The Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland

Please join us in another highlight of our 50th anniversary year: HKFS organises the next Nordic Chambers’ Event that takes place on Friday, 2 June in the famous Musée Olympic in Lausanne. You will hear two fantastic keynote speakers: Matti Nurminen, General Secretary of the International Ice Hockey Federation on the subject Nordic Sport Spirit, and Mélusine Perrier of Switzerland Global Enterprise on the subject Nordic Trade and Switzerland. If the weather is favourable, we can afterwards enjoy the aperitif on the museum terrace with a magnificent view on the Lake Geneva. 

Our Keynote speakers:

Matti Nurminen was chosen as General Secretary of International Ice Hockey Federation by the IIHF Council in June 2022 after a long career with the Finnish Ice Hockey Association (FIHA) as CEO from 2010 until 2022 and as Marketing and Administrative Director between 2005 and 2009.

Mélusine Perrier is Consultant Enterprise Europe Network + EMEA at Switzerland Global Enterprise S-GE and advises Swiss SMEs in the Romandie considering an internationalization to Northern Europe and various other countries. Mélusine Perrier is also in charge of all business inquiries concerning Switzerland in the Enterprise Europe Network, in tight collaboration with Innosuisse.

13.45 Registration
14.00 Private guided tour in the Olympic Museum
15.30 Welcome by Yrjö Närhinen, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce
15.30 Keynote by Matti Nurminen, International Ice-Hockey Federation and
Keynote by Mélusine Perrier, Switzerland Global Enterprise
17.00 Apéritif in the Olympic Museum

Registration fee:
Nordic Chambers' members: CHF 100 with museum tour/ CHF 80 without tour
Non-Members: CHF 150 with museum tour/ CHF 130 without tour

Nordic Chambers’ members can register one accompanying person each for a member fee of 100 CHF (with museum tour) / 80 CHF (without tour)

Optional program (not included in the registration fee):
Friday, 2 June, Dinner at the Njørd Café in Aubonne at 19.15 (limited places)
Saturday, 3 June, Mannerheim Memorial in Montreux at 10.00 - 11.45

Please note that registrations which are cancelled after this deadline are non-refundable.

For more information, visit the Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland website.


Best regards
Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland

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Shanghai - Nordic Marketing Day 2023
1:00 PM13:00

Shanghai - Nordic Marketing Day 2023

When? Wednesday 24th May, 2023, 13:00-20:00 GMT
5F, PwC Center, 2 Link Square Shanghai, No.202 Hu Bin Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China

Don’t miss the most anticipated yearly gatherings for marketing, sales, management, and communications specialists representing Nordic enterprises and organizations in China. This event offers attendees the chance to discover cutting-edge marketing trends, insights, strategies, and tools, while fostering connections within the marketing community to collectively thrive in the post-Covid world.

Our action-packed program features engaging panel discussions and inspiring keynote addresses by renowned experts from top brands and organizations. Join us to spark innovation and elevate your success!

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AHK Business Match
12:00 PM12:00

AHK Business Match

Milloin? 16.5.2023, klo 12-14:30
Missä? Maria 01,
Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki

Avaa ovet Saksan markkinoille, laajenna verkostoasi ja kasvata bisnestäsi!

AHK Business Match järjestetään 16.5.2023 Helsingissä yhteistyössä Keskuskauppakamarin ja IHK Neubrandenburgin kanssa. Tapahtuma tuo yhteen saksalaiset ja suomalaiset yritykset, innovaatiokeskukset ja tutkimuslaitokset eri toimialoilta.

AHK Business Matchiin saapuu lähes 20 saksalaistoimijaa mm. meriteollisuus-, kiinteistö-, elintarvike-, koulutus- sekä energiateollisuuden aloilta. Lisäksi mukana on tutkimus- ja innovaatiokeskuksia sekä markkinoinnin asiantuntijoita.

Saksalaiset etsivät yhteyksiä suomalaisiin yrityksiin, startup- ja innovaatiokeskuksiin sekä tutkimus- ja koulutuslaitoksiin ja ovat kiinnostuneita mm. maahantuonti-, vienti- ja tutkimusyhteistyöstä.

Tapahtumaan ovat tervetulleita yritykset, yliopistot ja oppilaitokset sekä mainittujen toimialojen sidosryhmät.

Tapahtuma on maksuton ja sisältää liiketapaamiset, lounaan sekä tapaamisiin liittyvän konsultaation ennen tapahtumaa, sen aikana ja tapahtuman jälkeen.

Vilkaise tapahtumaan osallistuvat Saksalaiset yritykset ja niiden esittelyt tästä.

Business Match tapahtuma järjestetään Helsingissä 16.5. ja Turussa 15.5. Katso lisätiedot ja ilmoittaudu mukaan!


Mikaela Jaanti
Saksalais-Suomalainen Kauppakamari, AHK Finnland
p. 050 555 5308

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Amsterdam Downtown Event: Tourism in Amsterdam; Past, Present and Future
5:30 PM17:30

Amsterdam Downtown Event: Tourism in Amsterdam; Past, Present and Future

When? March 30th, 17:30
Where? Hotel des Arts, Amsterdam

We invite our members for our upcoming Amsterdam Downtown Event on March 30th at Hotel des Arts, located in the heart of Amsterdam. We’ll be discussing post-pandemic tourism developments, with representatives from the hotel. Plus, we’ll be providing drinks and snacks for you to enjoy while you mingle with other attendees.

This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the current state of the tourism industry and to connect with like-minded individuals in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We hope that you will join us for this exciting event.

Hope to see you there! To register, click here.

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Tech Talent – A Changing Tech Landscape, New strategies to attract and maintain tech talent
4:00 PM16:00

Tech Talent – A Changing Tech Landscape, New strategies to attract and maintain tech talent

  • Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Where? The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands
When? March 28, 2023, 16:00-18:00

Members of the Finnish-Dutch Chamber of Commerce are welcome to join the upcoming event Tech Talent – A Changing Tech Landscape, New strategies to attract and maintain tech talent hosted by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce. The event takes place the 28th of March, and registration ends Friday, March 24th.

As we all know, the tech industry is changing at a fast pace. Big tech parties, including Microsoft, Meta, HP, Spotify and Amazon, have been laying off workers by the thousands in the last months. What lies behind the wave of layoffs? Is it a correction for the exponential growth of recent years or are there other underlying factors?

Despite the recent layoffs in the tech industry human capital remains one of the most important factors for the growth of tech companies and there is still a great demand for tech talent. Employees still have the luxury to choose from offers from multiple tech companies. Employees are increasingly making decisions about their career based on the impact and the sustainable strategy of their future employer rather than the salary or bonuses they will receive. Other relevant factors are the ability to influence the policy of the company and to create a positive impact on society and on wellbeing instead of merely helping the company achieve its revenue targets.

In this tech table we have gathered tech specialist from Sweden and the Netherlands to discuss which lessons of the recent development in the tech sector can be learned.  Are you as an employee a good fit for the company and is the company as employer a good fit for you? Labor has gotten a lot more expensive, companies have to hire the best, but is that enough?  Companies also have to rethink how they reskill and upskill their teams. People are the most important factor for a company’s growth. How to find the right people and which strategies do you need to build stronger, more innovative and inspiring teams, and How to maintain and attract new tech talent?


Doors open Registration and Coffee

Welcome by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce

16.10 – 17.30

• Jan Sundelin,  CEO TieKientix and Chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Tech Committee
• Andreea Morga, AI Tech & Ed Trendsetter/ Technology Consultant
•  Paula Bruneheim, Head of Enterprise Sales, Proxify
• Yoss Perl, Regional Sales Director, HiBob
• Armanda Willems, Country Manager at Lime Technology
(Technologie, Media & Entertainment, IP, Privacy)
• Jeffrey Kenens, Partner Employment Law, TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen
Fieke Weber, Lawyer at TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen

• Lex Keukens, Attorney at law / Partner at TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen & TK Tech

Networking Drinks

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