Ecuador - center of great opportunities
Ecuador: Emerging Opportunities and Markets seminar was organized at the WTC Helsinki on the 6th of November 2018.
Ecuador offers an access to a preferred market of 800 million people in Latin America. It is a politically stable country with dollar based economy.
Ecuador's accession agreement was signed on 11 November 2016 and has been provisionally applied since 1 January 2017. This agreement promotes bilateral trade and economic growth between the EU and Ecuador, in addition to the wider Andean region.
Ecuador’s GDP growth rate has been one of the highest in the region. In the past ten years (2007-2017) the average GDP growth rate per year has been 7.3%. Ecuador is working to strengthen its already strong domestic infrastructure to provide additional competitive advantages to our people and companies.
Finland is famous for its know-how in areas such like forestry, ITC, industrial machinery, and logistics. Ecuador has plans to develop these areas. Ecuador can offer Finnish companies a broad range of high-quality food products, both for final consumers and the food processing industry, due to our expertise and know-how in the agroindustry sector.
One of the prioritized sectors in Ecuador is the forestry sector. The food sector is also very attractive, due to our availability of high-quality raw materials produced in Ecuador. The Ministry of Trade has a catalogue of investment projects in Ecuador. This catalogue is updated constantly, and it provides a good insight of the diverse opportunities the country offers.
A new law to promote production and employment has been passed in Ecuador. This law includes among other things new incentives to attract foreign and domestic investment.
Ecuador offers an enormous variety of touristic and cultural places, cities and natural landscapes. From the wonders of the unique Galapagos Islands, to the Amazonian rain forest, there are locations and towns of an unparalleled beauty and deep heritage.
Visit Ecuador and learn more about its high-quality products and skilled people.
Interview with H.E. Lautaro Pozo, Ambassador of Ecuador concurrent to Finland can be read here.
Presentations can be found here.
The seminar was co-organized by the Finnish-Latin American Business Association, Business Finland, Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce and The Export and Investment Promotion Agency PRO ECUADOR.
Aleksis Kajava, the Vice Chair of the Finnish-Latin American Trade Association opened the event.
From the left: Birgit Nevala, Esa Linna, Celso Khalili and Ricardo Falla, Trade Commissioner of Ecuador to the Nordic and Baltic Region