Newsletter: Finnish Business Council Singapore

Dear FBC Members and colleagues, 

Hope you all had a great summer!

Here comes this week’s issue of the FBC News Flash.

FBC BLOG: The latest posts
Read the latest on the FBC Blog here. FBC Board member Juha Hautala shares his favourites in Singapore, Talent Dialogue sponsor Delouis International advertises some Finnish products and FBC partner SiSu (Finnish in Singapore Society) introduces their operations.
All our members and friends have an opportunity to post their success stories, share company news or advertise their business on FBC Blog. What would you like to share with our community? Please, contact Minna Hyväri to find out more.

Upcoming FBC events
September 4: Talent Dialogue evening. FBC is arranging an autumn season-opening event in collaboration with other Nordic business councils to help both employers and jobseekers Singapore is a highly competitive environment for both employees and employers. To ease their burden, FBC has invited experts on employer branding, recruitment and employment regulation to share their knowledge. Keynote speaker is Mr Sam Yuen (Yuen Law LLC). The program and registration here

Upcoming Nordic events
August 30: Start-up saga breakfast.  The SwedCham and SWEA Female Professional Committee invites members to listen to Lisa Enckell sharing her inspiring story over breakfast. More information and register here.

Upcoming FBC members' events
September 25: FBC member Exove Design together with Shirute organizes an event Customer Experience: Creating Better Business with Design Thinking. More information and registration here.

FBC members can share their own events on FBC Events Calendar. Please, contact Minna Hyväri.

ScandBizBar 2018

Warmly welcome to ScandBizBar networking night on September 6 at 6.30 pm @Flamingo Bar. ScandBizBar sponsor CorpZap offers two free house drinks (beer, wine, shot) for the first 100 to arrive. Be on time!

FBC supports Singapore Business Review Finland report 2018

In celebration with the Finnish National Day on December 6, Singapore Business Review is currently working on a Finnish Country Report for the Oct/Nov/Dec 2018 issue of the magazine.

Supporting this sponsored initiative is a great way to promote your country’s businesses in Singapore and help share your country's contributions in the Singapore business community.

For more information:

Aileen Cruz

(+65) 3158 1386 ext 257

Team Finland on the road in Finland
Aug 20: Team Finland ASEAN + Australia + India ambassadors and experts in Jyväskylä to meet local companies
Aug 23: Team Finland ASEAN + Australia + India ambassadors and experts in Jyväskylä to meet local companies
Aug 24: Team Finland ASEAN + Australia + India ambassadors and experts in Vaasa to meet local companies
Aug 30: Team Finland day in Helsinki, an opportunity to meet Team Finland experts from Singapore and from around the world
More information here.

Slush Community Partnership
Slush Singapore program and registration is found here.


Not an FBC member? Please click or email to Minna Hyväri. FBC Individual membership is now 175 SGD per year.

Furthermore, don’t forget to check out the FBC website. For more information about what is going on with our Scandinavian sister associations, please check out the Event pages for Norwegian Business AssociationSwedish Chamber of Commerce and Danish Business Association in Singapore. If you would like to know about  EuroCham events, check the EuroCham Events page.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Best regards,
Minna Hyväri
Finnish Business Council Singapore
FBC Coordinator
+65 9006 5276