Finnish Business Council Singapore: Newsletter

Dear FBC Members and friends,

Here comes FBC's latest news and the event information.

Past FBC event
Thank you, Ms Gao, for such a fascinating keynote about how to communicate across different cultures! Communicating Across Cultural Boundaries event was a very interactive, thanks to our panellists Mr Corrado Lillelund Forcellati and Mr Mark Kelly and especially to the participants for the vivid discussion. Thank you all for sharing your experiences around Asia.  FBC members can have a look at the presentation here.
  FBC events June 6: Cargill Singapore invites FBC members to the company visit. Vice President Bruce W. Blakeman will give us insight about the fascinating and multi-dimensional corporation. FBC members only, the tour for max. 25 participants. More information and registration here.

June 11: Join the FBC Breakfast event "Holistic Leadership" presented by Dr Sandhya Karpe. Research indicates that there is a strong business case for encouraging employees to “bring their whole selves to work”, because of a strong co-relationship between the psychological safety that this creates and employee engagement.
As a leader, how do you define your own success? Have you taken the time to enjoy the richness that life has to offer and encouraged your staff to do the same? You may be surprised at how this approach could deliver higher engagement, productivity and better business results. Kindly note, only limited seats available. Please, register here.

FBC corporate member Aalto Executive Education Academy event -Aalto Executive Summit
Aalto EE is giving an opportunity for the FBC members and other Nordic chamber members (DABS, NBAS, SwedCham) to attend Aalto Executive Summit on August 19-23 in Singapore. Summit is an annual global event that brings participants from around the world for a week of leadership content, learning and networking.  The Summit is about engaging with world-class speakers, developing your personal leadership potential, and meeting business leaders. In Aalto Executive Summit 2019 we will be investigating the theme of Politics of Business from various levels and perspectives. These include how economic systems and political uncertainty influence business and society, how power is negotiated and distributed in complex ecosystems and organizations, and how leaders can personally get better at influencing those around them. The registration is open for FBC members only. For further information, fees and registration, please contact Minna Hyväri.

Nordic events
June 10: FBC's sister chamber NBAS organizes an event "Back to work advice for trailing spouses".  Are you a trailing spouse looking to get back into the workforce? Have you wondered where to start, how to network with the right companies, and how to tailor your CV to the Singaporean market? More information and registration.
 EuroCham events June 13: Visit EuroCham's new work space and find out more about their committees and upcoming events. EuroCham staff will also be available to answer any queries relating to joining  EuroCham as a member. Connect with the chamber at this special occasion over drinks and light refreshments. Please, register here.
June 19: FBC's sister chambers SwedCham together with EuroCham organizes "EuroCham YP Network: Digital Payment Systems". More information and registration here.

Recommendations of the National Wages Council
The recommendations of the National Wages Council (NWC) 2019/2020 - which were released on May 30, 2019, by the Tripartite Partners and the Council are found here. These recommendations are national guidelines to help all employers and companies in Singapore formulate their respective wage and employment policies for the coming year.  The NWC, a tripartite body made up of employer, employee and government representatives, convened in April/May 2019 to develop its annual guidelines on wage and employment-related issues. In its deliberations on wage recommendations, the NWC considered factors such as Singapore’s economic performance, as well as the domestic and global economic outlook. At the same time, the NWC took into account Singapore's economic competitiveness, labour market conditions, inflation, and productivity growth.
The real impact of these recommendation lies in a high adoption rate by all employers in Singapore with unionized or not; henceforth members of the NWC have asked EuroCham to disseminate the recommendations to all national European Chambers who in turn are encouraged to circulate and make them available as soon as possible to all of their member companies.

FBC Blog
Kindly note that all FBC members have an opportunity to share the latest news, press releases, success stories on the FBC Blog. Please, contact Minna Hyväri.

New FBC LinkedIN page
Follow us on the new LinkedIN page. FBC moved to a new LinkedIN page, come and follow us, we will share our news and yours there.
Not an FBC member yet? Join FBC!

Furthermore, don’t forget to check out the FBC website. For more information about what is going on with our Nordic sister associations, please check out the Event pages for Norwegian Business AssociationSwedish Chamber of Commerce and Danish Business Association in Singapore. If you would like to know more about  EuroCham events, check the EuroCham Events page.

Have a great weekend ahead!

Best regards,
Minna Hyväri
General Manager
+65 9006 5276