Finnish-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce 28. Newsletter

Greek exports rose to the new historical record in 2019

Greece’s export performance recorded a slight increase and a new historical record in 2019. This increase is due to the upward trends in Greek exports to the EU, while export performance to third countries dropped. Specifically, exports to the EU increased by 6.9 pct while exports to third countries fell 5.8 pct. Exports to EU countries now account for 55.5 pct of total Greek exports, compared to 44.5 pct for third countries. “Despite the adverse conditions prevailing in the international environment (trade wars, geopolitical tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, BREXIT), Greek exports were able to stand out with their performances and achieve a historic record for another year. With many sacrifices and faith in their abilities, Greek exporters have maintained their momentum and expanded their footprint in international markets, contributing greatly to the recovery effort of the Greek economy,” the Panhellenic Exporters’ Association and the Center for Export Research and Studies.

Read the Newsletter here

Yvonne Backas