Finnish Business Council News Flash September 24, 2021

Upcoming events

October 6:
The New Work and Recruitment Environment panel discussion. Come to hear what are the trends in future work and recruitment! Our panellists Ricky Foo (Mercuri Urval), Ian Wu (HUONE) and Stephen Lyon and Bhavna Singhal (M Moser Associates) share their insights. The discussion is held at HUONE and moderated by FBC Chairman Pasi Haatainen.

October 14:
Casual Afterwork. The get-together is hosted by Treasurer Saku Aspelin. For FBC members only, the venue COVID-19 measurements apply.

October 27:
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). EGM is organized to approve the board's proposal of new membership categories and fees effective on January 1st, 2022. The decision was postponed unanimously at AGM on March 2021. The invitations will be sent to the FBC members soon. Kindly, inform FBC if your company or contact information has changed. The corporate members' primary contacts are eligible to vote.

November 3:
The Story and Lessons from a World Class Digital Transformation. This informative, engaging and exclusive keynote shares how DBS Bank transformed from a traditional bank to the world's best by leveraging digitalization and provides you with hard-won insights, proven practices and relevant anecdotes. Keynote speaker Robin Speculand shares his analysis on digital transformation. Mr Speculand together with Mr Piyush Gupta (CEO, DBS Bank) are nominated for Thinkers50 “Ideas in Practice” award.

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