FinnCham Trainee Program: Foundation of FinnCham Brazil

Interview with Jan Jarne, founder of FinnCham Brazil

Introduction As Honorary Consul General of Finland, Jan Jarne was an active member of the Board of Eurocamaras (Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the EU countries in Brazil) and an elected member of the Ethics Committee. Finland was the only Nordic country and one of the few among the member nations of the European Union not to have a chamber of commerce in Brazil. Perceiving the importance of a Chamber, he had taken the initiate on two separate occasions to sound out Finnish subsidiaries of their interest in supporting the creation of a Chamber.

Despite the difficulty of finding sponsors within the community and with a desire to establish one for Finland, he was determined that Finns should be represented. With Jan's enthusiastic mindset, he embarked on a personal Mission of a 5-point trajectory to create a representative body and forum on a national level for the Finnish companies established in Brazil. This would become a 3 year journey to be travelled.

Learn more: Foundation of FinnCham Brazil (pdf)

Toni Pitkänen, first overseas trainee to Brazil under Finland Chamber of Commerce’s internship program, interviewed Jan Jarne.
São Paulo, December 15, 2020

FinnCham Brazil

Yvonne Backas