Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong - Newsletter January 2021 Highlights!

Introducing New FinnCham Executive Director Elina Koski

This January is all about new beginnings and new people at FinnCham Hong Kong. We are excited to welcome our new Executive Director Ms. Elina Koski!

Ms. Gitta Hägg-Lundvall's farewell

Ms. Gitta Hägg-Lundvall has been working with FinnCham for 3,5 years as an Executive Director. Now she will turn a new chapter as she starts working at the Embassy of Finland in Bangkok in the beginning of February. Ms. Gitta's last day of work at FinnCham HK will be on 31 January 2021. Read her farewell message to the FinnCham members.

Read the Newsletter here

Yvonne Backas