Finncham - trainee Anna Yurova on Brazilian business culture

Brazil’s business culture varies widely from city to city. In São Paulo, people work fast and focus heavily on their careers. The work environment is busy, with many professionals deeply involved in their tasks and meetings that aim for quick results. In contrast, Rio de Janeiro values work-life balance more. Here, employees often take breaks during the day to relax or enjoy the beach, showing that they prioritize their personal lives as well.

Overall, Brazilians are friendly and welcoming, making business interactions supportive. Personal relationships are very important, so networking plays a key role in both social and business life.

Finnish companies planning to enter the Brazilian market need to understand some important cultural and structural points. Brazil has complex laws and regulations that can differ from Finland’s. Companies must research these laws to ensure compliance and may benefit from local experts who understand the rules. In Brazil, personal relationships are crucial in business. Building trust is important, so negotiations may take longer than in Finland. Lastly, Brazil is increasingly focusing on sustainability and new technologies. Companies that support environmental efforts will likely be more welcomed. Engaging with local sustainability projects can help Finnish companies build a good reputation in Brazil.
In summary, to succeed in Brazil, Finnish companies should understand local business culture, respect for hierarchy, and the importance of relationships.

Mirjam LigiBrazil