Finncham - trainee Anna Yurova in Brazil: " Renewable energy and healthcare technology hold a lot of promise"

Based on my internship experience at FinnCham Brazil, I have found different opportunities for Finnish companies in various sectors. One valuable area is the agriculture sector, where Brazil is actively seeking technological advancements to enhance productivity and sustainability. By introducing innovative technologies, Finnish companies can contribute to the modernization of Brazil's agriculture industry, fostering mutual benefits for both countries.

Brazil presents a growing demand for modern technologies across several industries. Finnish technological startups, renowned for their innovation and quality, have opportunities to introduce their products and services in Brazil. Industries like renewable energy and healthcare technology hold a lot of promise. Brazil is really focusing on developing renewable energy, and Finland is known for its expertise in clean technologies. Additionally, there is a need for advanced healthcare solutions and sustainable urban development technologies, where Finnish companies can provide valuable contributions.

The partnership between Finland and Brazil could grow stronger through increased trade and collaboration. Finnish exports, known for their high quality and innovation, are well-received in Brazil. Products ranging from machinery and forestry equipment to lifestyle goods have found markets in Brazil. Establishing and developing this network further can lead to mutual growth opportunities for both countries.

Anna Yurova

Mirjam LigiBrazil